Coconut chutney recipe

How to prepare coconut chutney recipe

Socha today we show you the steps to prepare coconut chutney recipe .South Indian Chutney 
To prepare the recipe you need to have the following ingredients with you and sure I am going to show you what are the ingredients you will require kindly note it down or have it ready by your side so we can prepare it very easily


Green chilly


Roasted gram


Coriander leaf


Green chilly
Coriander leaf
Cut piece coconut
Roasted gram

Take all these things put in a mixture and one by one phone in a little water then turn on the current of the mixture and start the motor of the mixture
Pour some water so the paste is little bit watery

So do this until it is grinded very smoothly and keep in mind you can put salt as per your test and chilly as per the spicy you required for the spice you require

After doing this it is ready for serving you can have it with chapati dosa Puri Puri Idli idli

This is how you prepare coconut chutney which can be used to eat with Indian bread below is a link where you can wait for the video and watch how to prepare coconut chutney in a delicious way we are going to come some more recipes if you like it please comment us and share it with with your friends
