Jolada Rotti Uttar Karnataka da recipe

Jolada Rotti Uttar Karnataka da recipe  

How to prepare Jolada Rotti Uttar Karnataka da recipe , this is a very easy Indian dlat bread , which can be consumed with vegetable curry such as brinjal, beans curry ,carrot etc . The jolada rotti is a traditional family recipe and can we will have it frequently in lunch ,dinner and breakfast as this a very healthy food recipe

Ingredentis  Require are

  • Jolada hittu (Jowar floor)
  • Boiled Water
  • Frying Pan
  • Wooden chakla balen 

Step 1 : Take the jowar floor or jolada hittu in a vessel as shown below , you can Sifting Flour With Flour Filter 

Step2: place water in a separate vessel  over flame

Step 3: Heat the water

Step 4: After the water is boiled , lit off the flame or turn of the gas, and add floor to the water or vice versa

Step 5 :  Mix it with the spoon , be careful as the water is hot

Step 6: Mix the floor to form the dough

Step 7: Make as follow

Step 8: Make small round balls of the dough

Step 8: Wrap a plastic to the balen /Wooden chakla balen

Step  9: Make the round dough ball , to flat dough

Step 10 : Place the round flat dough on the heated pan and aplly water to the round dough using cloth piece

Step 10 : Jolada rotti is ready to eat

Please watch the video below for the above steps

Jolada Rotti Uttar Karnataka da recipe , South India healthy bread recipe, easy recipe to prepare, Jawar rotti is a healthy  and a very popular flat bread . It can be consumed with many vegetable curry such as brinjal , menthi (green leafy vegetable), Jolada rotti can be consumed with sengha(peanut) chutney , puttani chutney , gurel chutney , the combination of the Uttar Karnataka flat bread  called as Jawar Rotti can be eaten with  curd mixed with the chutney
